Metabo Flex Reviews: Side Effects, Does it Work?

Metabo Flex is a new weight loss supplement featuring a “Cambodian miracle plant” to help you burn fat 24/7.

By taking two capsules of Metabo Flex in the morning, you can purportedly take advantage of a blend of rainforest super nutrients to lose weight. Those rainforest super nutrients improve your “metabolic flexibility,” allowing your body to continue burning fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you eat right, exercise, but struggle to lose weight, then it may not be your fault. Many people do everything right yet can’t lose weight because of their metabolic flexibility.

By improving your metabolic flexibility, Metabo Flex can help you burn more calories all day long.

Metabo Flex is normally priced at $199 per bottle. However, as part of a 2023 promotion, the manufacturer has lowered the price to $59 per bottle. All purchases come with a 60 day moneyback guarantee: if you don’t lose weight with Metabo Flex, then you’re entitled to a complete refund.

How Metabo Flex Works

Metabo Flex works by giving your body a strong dose of a Cambodian miracle plant. That plant – along with complementary ingredients – has been shown to increase energy, boost calorie burning, and keep your body in fat burning mode as long as possible.

The makers of Metabo Flex designed the supplement with the goal of boosting metabolic flexibility. People who are overweight or obese tend to have less metabolic flexibility than people who are slimmer, giving them a hidden weight loss disadvantage.

As far as the world knows, Metabo Flex is the first supplement in history to target metabolic flexibility. Here’s how the makers of Metabo Flex explain the importance of the creation:

“Metabo Flex is the first nutritional product in the world proven to address the true cause of unexplained weight gain and stubborn belly fat – Metabolism Flexibility. By improving metabolism flexibility you awaken the calorie-burning switch inside of you.”

Each serving of Metabo Flex contains a blend of six science-backed ingredients to improve metabolic flexibility, helping you burn more fat.

Metabo Flex Improves Metabolic Flexibility for Easy Weight Loss

Metabo Flex is an aptly-named supplement because it’s designed to improve metabolic flexibility. The supplement uses six ingredients to increase your rate of calorie burning by flipping your metabolic flexibility switch, helping you rapidly burn fat.

Here is the basic concept of metabolic flexibility and how Metabo Flex works to target metabolic flexibility:

Poor metabolic flexibility may make it difficult to lose weight. When you have poor metabolic flexibility, your body burns fewer calories throughout the day, giving you a significant weight loss disadvantage.

Even if you’re eating right and exercising, it may be difficult to overcome this disadvantage. That’s why many people start a weight loss routine, get frustrated by their progress, and stop trying. Even if you’re on a strict diet, it may not be enough to overcome the effects of your poor metabolic flexibility.

Generally, people who are overweight or obese tend to have less metabolic flexibility than people who are slimmer. That’s why many people can eat whatever they like, exercise as little as they want, and still maintain their slim figure. They’re not better than you: they simply have better metabolic flexibility.

Metabo Flex aims to reverse this concept using a special blend of six handpicked, plant-based nutrients.

The ingredients in Metabo Flex can flip your calorie burning switch and rapidly improve your metabolic flexibility, giving you a powerful weight loss advantage. Instead of struggling to burn calories, you can lose weight without changing your diet or exercise routine.

Overall, Metabo Flex aims to be the ultimate weight loss aid because it flips your metabolic switch, helping you enjoy consistent, powerful weight loss results.

Who Created Metabo Flex?

Metabo Flex was developed by Adonis Lifestyle, LLC, a supplement company based in Taylor, Michigan. The company partnered with a 49-year old firefighter named Paul Williams to create the formula.

Paul lives in Fort Myers, Florida with his wife and family. A recent hurricane threw Paul’s life into disarray, causing major stress. He and his wife both gained weight, but his wife was particularly hard hit.

Paul watched his wife start and stop multiple weight loss programs. Nothing seemed to work, and stress was stubbornly clinging to her body.

One day, Paul started to research natural cures for weight gain. His research led him to a man named Dr. Olsson, who told him about a miraculous Cambodian plant that could target the root cause of weight gain.

To make a long story short, Dr. Olsson gave Paul a blend of the Cambodian plant with other ingredients, and Paul’s wife rapidly lost weight after taking the formula.

Motivated by his wife’s weight loss, Paul decided to share the supplement with the world. Today, anyone can buy Metabo Flex online to enjoy similar weight loss results.

What is the Cambodian Miracle Plant?

Each serving of Metabo Flex contains a significant dose of a Cambodian miracle plant. Paul Williams, who helped to create Metabo Flex, discovered the miracle plant while searching for natural weight loss cures.

The Cambodian miracle plant in Metabo Flex is called holy basil. It’s also known as tulsi or Ocimum sanctum.

Tulsi is native to the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia – including Cambodia. In Hinduism, tulsi is particularly popular. In fact, tulsi is worshiped as a goddess and every part of the tulsi plant is considered sacred. That’s why traditional Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine practitioners use every part of the plant – including the leaves, stems, and roots – for various medicinal properties.

Multiple studies have validated the use of the Cambodian miracle plant for general health and wellness. A recent study found tulsi counters metabolic stress by normalizing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. That same study linked tulsi to anxiolytic (pain relieving) properties and anti-depressant effects, antimicrobial activity, and more. Because of these results, tulsi continues to be a popular supplement in parts of Asia and all over the world.

What’s Inside Metabo Flex? Metabo Flex Ingredients

Some weight loss supplements flood your body with dozens of ingredients at small dosages. Metabo Flex takes a different approach, using a targeted blend of six science-backed ingredients to help you lose weight.

Key ingredients in Metabo Flex include tulsi, tea plant extract, resveratrol, and green coffee bean extract. Many of these ingredients work by flooding your body with antioxidants, helping you target inflammation, release stubborn fat, and increase your metabolic flexibility.

Active ingredients in Metabo Flex include:

L-Carnitine: L-carnitine is the first listed ingredient in the Metabo Flex proprietary formula, which means there’s more L-carnitine in the supplement than anything else. L-carnitine is an amino acid shown to help your body turn fat into energy. Your body produces L-carnitine in the liver and kidneys, then stores it in your skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm. Typically, your body produces enough L-carnitine on its own. However, many people take L-carnitine supplements for fat loss or energy. Many pre-workout supplements contain L-carnitine, for example, because of its ability to improve pump and overall energy. The makers of Metabo Flex added L-carnitine to the formula specifically to improve metabolic flexibility. By improving metabolic flexibility, L-carnitine can help you burn more calories throughout the day.

Green Coffee Bean Extract: Metabo Flex contains green coffee bean extract, one of the most popular ingredients in the weight loss supplement space. Many people take green coffee bean extract daily for weight loss. Green coffee bean extract works because it’s rich in chlorogenic acid – something that’s largely lost during the coffee roasting process. By using green (unroasted) coffee beans, you can maximize chlorogenic acid intake. Chlorogenic acid is a phenolic compound linked to healthy inflammation levels. By taking green coffee bean extract on its own, you could lose weight. By taking green coffee bean extract as part of a range of ingredients, you could increase your metabolic flexibility and lose even more weight.

Green Tea Leaf Extract: Metabo Flex contains green tea leaf extract, another popular weight loss ingredient. Like green coffee bean extract, green tea leaf extract is linked to fat burning because of the bioactive compounds within the ingredient. With green tea, those bioactive compounds include catechins. Green tea is rich with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), for example, a specific catechin linked to fat burning and antioxidant effects. Numerous studies have connected green tea to significant weight loss results, and many people take green tea on its own daily to lose weight. According to the makers of Metabo Flex, green tea extract can also support metabolic flexibility, helping to target the root cause of weight gain.

Tulsi: Tulsi, also known as Ocimum sanctum or holy basil leaf, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. According to the makers of Metabo Flex, tulsi is also one of the best ways to improve metabolic flexibility. Tulsi also supports liver and brain health and overall wellness, among other effects, making it a popular supplement ingredient overall. Today, traditional healers continue to use the leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and seeds of the tulsi plant to treat a range of ailments. In the supplement industry, manufacturers use tulsi extract for weight loss, anxiety relief, and other targeted effects.

Japanese Knotweed Extract: Metabo Flex contains Japanese knotweed extract because it’s rich in resveratrol, a notable antioxidant. Resveratrol can be found in certain types of fruits and plants – including everything from grapes to seaweed. With Japanese knotweed extract, you can get a significant dose of resveratrol without eating an uncomfortably large amount of fruit or plant extract. Each serving of Metabo Flex gives you Japanese knotweed to increase metabolic flexibility. The ingredient can also help with inflammation, heart health, and overall health and wellness, among other effects.

Chromium: Each serving of Metabo Flex gives you nearly 6 times your recommended daily value (DV) of chromium, giving you ample doses of the crucial nutrient. Chromium is important for blood sugar management, and many people take chromium daily to balance blood sugar and overall health. Chromium is also popular with diabetics and others with blood sugar management issues. By taking the chromium in Metabo Flex daily, you could manage cravings by controlling blood sugar. If you experience food cravings that ruin your diet, then chromium may be able to help. Many food cravings are linked to sugar imbalances. By controlling blood sugar, chromium could help manage overall weight loss.

How Much Weight Can You Lose with Metabo Flex? What Science Says

The makers of Metabo Flex cite dozens of scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals as proof Metabo Flex works for weight loss. We’ll review some of that evidence below to see how much weight you could lose.

One of the most science-backed ingredients in Metabo Flex is green tea extract. Studies show green tea extract can reduce body weight and increase energy expenditure, helping you naturally burn fat over time by maintaining a caloric deficit. That study found green tea extract worked by raising energy at the cellular level (by activating AMPK), which is similar to the concept of increasing metabolic flexibility.

Multiple studies have verified the concept of metabolic flexibility. It’s true: your body may be more or less metabolically flexible depending on certain situations. In a 2017 study, researchers found metabolic flexibility impacted your body’s ability to respond to changes in metabolic demand. Some people had poor flexibility, which made it harder for their bodies to stay energized in response to metabolic changes (like a new diet or exercise program), while others had good flexibility, which made it easier to respond to changes.

A similar study found people with poor metabolic flexibility were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, cancer, and metabolic syndrome, all of which are linked to obesity. In other words, your poor metabolic flexibility may be making it harder to lose weight regardless of how much you diet or exercise. Fortunately, Metabo Flex claims to improve metabolic flexibility, which could help with overall health.

If you’re already overweight, then you’re more likely to have poor metabolic flexibility than someone who is slimmer. One study showed obese and overweight individuals tended to have less metabolic flexibility than people who were slimmer, giving them an additional disadvantage for weight loss.

The other ingredients in Metabo Flex could also help with weight loss, according to research. A 2017 study found tulsi lowered cholesterol levels over an 8-week period, for example. A 2020 study found people taking L-carnitine supplements lost significantly more weight and lowered their BMI significantly more than those taking a placebo.

Overall, Metabo Flex contains a blend of science-backed ingredients to help you lose weight, balance your body, and improve metabolic flexibility to target the root cause of weight gain.

Metabo Flex Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Metabo Flex is backed by positive reviews from customers around the world. Many customers report losing 30 to 50lbs in a short period of time with Metabo Flex. In fact, many of these customers claim to have hardly changed their diet or exercise routine. Instead, they simply started to take Metabo Flex and began to rapidly lose weight.

Here are some of the reviews shared by customers on the official Metabo Flex website:

One 39-year old lost 27lbs while taking Metabo Flex, despite continuing to eat unhealthy foods as much as she likes. The weight keeps falling off of her regardless of how much she eats – as long as she takes two capsules of Metabo Flex each morning.

One woman went from a size 16 to a size 10 overnight with Metabo Flex, dropping an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time. Today, she feels more energetic, and her hobbies and vacations seem easier.

A 46-year old woman lost 9 inches from her stomach and 11 inches from her hips with Metabo Flex, losing significant weight in a short period of time and allowing her to become “the woman [she] was meant to be.”

One of the most dramatic weight loss transformations featured on the official Metabo Flex website comes from a 56-year old woman who lost over 50lbs with the supplement. Today, thanks to her weight loss, she’s no longer embarrassed to be around friends or family.

A 61-year old reviewer also reported significant weight loss with Metabo Flex, losing 33lbs in a surprisingly short period of time. In fact, that man’s doctor claims he had never seen a transformation “so quickly before” after verifying his improved blood pressure and cholesterol readings.

According to the official Metabo Flex website, over 214,194 people have lost weight with the supplement, making it one of the best-selling weight loss formulas ever launched online. Most reviewers featured on the official website report losing significantly more than 3 to 5lbs; instead, they’re transforming their bodies and losing enormous amounts of weight.

Metabo Flex Supplement Facts Label

The makers of Metabo Flex disclose all ingredients in Metabo Flex upfront, making it easy to see what’s inside each capsule and how it compares to other weight loss supplements.

Here are all of the ingredients in each two capsule serving of Metabo Flex, according to the Supplement Facts label:

  1. 320mg of a proprietary blend with L-carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract, green tea leaf extract (with EGCG), Japanese knotweed root extract (with resveratrol), holy basil leaf, and chromium niacinate
  2. 200mcg of chromium (571% DV)
  3. Other (inactive) ingredients, including microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, and silicon dioxide

How to Take Metabo Flex

The makers of Metabo Flex recommend taking two capsules (one serving) of the supplement with breakfast each morning:

  1. Take 2 capsules of Metabo Flex each morning.
  2. You can take Metabo Flex with or without food.

How Much Does Metabo Flex Cost?

Metabo Flex is normally sold at a retail price of $199 per bottle. To promote Metabo Flex in 2023, the manufacturer has reduced the price to $59 per bottle, with further discounts available when ordering multiple bottles. Certain purchases also qualify for free shipping.

Here’s how much you pay for Metabo Flex at the official website as part of the 2023 promotion:

  • 1 Bottle (30 Day Supply): $59 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles (90 Day Supply): $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Shipping
  • 6 Bottles (180 Day Supply): $234 ($39 Per Bottle) + Free US Shipping

Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings), or a 30 day supply of the supplement.

All Metabo Flex purchases come with a 60 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re unhappy with Metabo Flex for any reason, then contact the manufacturer within 60 days of your purchase to complete the refund process.


Metabo Flex uses a Cambodian miracle herb and other ingredients to accelerate weight loss results.

By taking Metabo Flex daily, you can melt fat 24/7, increasing weight loss results. Metabo Flex works by increasing your metabolic flexibility, helping to ensure your body burns more calories all day long.

Metabo Flex is backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee and is available at a special discount price of $59. Buy Metabo Flex online today to discover powerful weight loss results.

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